
Find out what works with our powerful reporting

Share insights with your team and understand exactly what works and what does not.

get rich insights

Get the right insights & find out what works

Our tool provides rich insights into your campaigns, allowing you to test different messages and improve engagement. With metrics like clicks, opens, deliveries, and customer responses, you can track performance and optimize your outreach for maximum impact.


Campaign comparison

Compare 2 or more campaigns on all relevant metrics. Power up your campaign creation by sending, comparing and evaluating.

Important metrics in one place


See which link was clicked and when. Optimize call to actions and track prospects on your website.




Start converting smarter

Improve your conversion rate with smart outreaches

Coming soon


Customize Whatson with a stand-alone inbox, branded reports, and your own unsubscribe link to a branded landing page.

Benchmark Results

Track and compare the performance of your marketing campaigns against industry benchmarks, enabling you to optimize your strategies and improve your results.

Conversion Advise

Get real-time notifications and personalized tips to optimize your campaign and increase conversion rates.

Active Reporting

Schedule and customize automated reports to be sent to any recipient, at any time, and in any format.

Deep Action Tracking

Get deep insights into the actions of both companies and individuals, allowing you to track their progress and performance over time.

Seasonal Forecasting

Analyze and compare performance across different seasons or time periods. Use forecasting tools to predict future results and plan accordingly for the upcoming year.

Explore our solutions
Hyper focused segmentation
Send hyper personalized messages
Marketing automation
Automate your email outreach

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